Research Progress of Exercise Intervention in Improving the Behavior of Children with Autism
Received:April 03, 2017  
中文关键词:自闭症  运动干预  运动处方  疗效分析
英文关键词:autism  exercise intervention  exercise prescription  curative effect analysis
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHANG Guwen Nanjing Institute of Physical Education and Sports zgw13913038676@163.com 
XU Kai Nanjing Institute of Physical Education and Sports  
GAO Run Nanjing brain hospital neurologic and psychiatric institute  
ZHAI Tao Nanjing bright heart children's training center  
YE Qiang Nanjing Institute of Physical Education and Sports  
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      Searching the related documents published between January 2000 to December 2015 and analyzing the previous researches on exercise intervention of autism, the article tries to explore the means and principle of exercise intervention in improving the behavior of children with autism. The result shows that besides the obvious improvement of health and physical activity level, exercise intervention has positive effects on the improvement of the behavior of the autism sufferers, which can be seen in their repetitive behavior, social behavior and problem behavior. Exercise intervention may effectively assist the traditional mature behavioral intervention means. Physical activities, if used properly and rationally, may help the autism patients overcome many difficulties and improve the overall quality of life.
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