Study of Urban Public Sports Space Optimization with theory of SER
Received:May 20, 2017  
中文关键词:城市公共体育空间  生态  资源集约  SER理论
英文关键词:urban public sports space  ecology-friendly  resource-intensive  SER theory
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
YOU Songhui P.E. Department, Tongji Univiersity 
LIU Sisi College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji Univiersity  
TENG Yanting College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji Univiersity  
SUN Jingyu P.E. Department, Tongji Univiersity  
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      The study aims at building up a highly efficient and convenient, resource-intensive and ecology-friendly urban public sports space so as to realize the sustainable development of urban public sports space construction. With the means of status survey, the paper firstly analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the current urban public sports space from the two aspects of physical facilities distribution and citizens’ activities. Then, based on the fully study of the relative cases at home and abroad, it does not confine the study to space only and puts forward the theory of SER, which contains the three elements of sport-space, ecology-friendly and resource-intensive. Finally, the paper offers a preliminary design of the construction of urban public sports space.
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