Several Issues on Sino-German Football School Cooperation:Based on the Interviews with German Football Professionals
Received:June 23, 2017  
中文关键词:双边合作  足球学校  运作模式
英文关键词:bilateral cooperation  football school  operation model
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
MA Yang Institute of Sport Science, Bayreuth University lqxmdy@163.com 
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      以中德足球学校合作为主题,先后采访了德国多特蒙德足球俱乐部市场总监Dennis Thom先生、国际部总监Benedikt Scholz先生、雷根斯堡足球俱乐部主席Johannes Baumeister先生以及德国规模最大的私营足球学校DFI(Deutsches Fussball Internat)负责人Gründer Thomas先生。在此基础上,以雷根斯堡足球学校和DFI足球学校为个案,对于德方有关足球学校认知与实践,及其与中方合作的预期,德国现阶段足球学校的运作模式和特点等问题进行了分析与探讨。
      Based on the subject of Sino-German football school cooperation, the author interviewed Mr. Dennis Thom, Market Manager and Mr. Benedikt Scholz, International Officer of Dortmund FC, Mr. Johannes Baumeister, CEO of Regensburg FC, and Mr. Gründer Thomas, Director of DFI, the largest private football school in Germany. Taking the examples of Regensburg Football School and DFI, the paper discusses the several opinions from the German side, such as the concept and practice of football school, their anticipation of the cooperation between the two sides, the operation model and characteristics of the current football schools in Germany, etc.
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