The Description of Jiangwan Stadium by Shun Pao from 1934 to 1935
Received:December 24, 2018  
中文关键词:《申报》  江湾体育场  建筑镜像  历史记忆  价值再现
英文关键词:Shun Pao  Jiangwan Stadium  architectural mirror image  historical memory  value representation
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LIU Heng School of Sports Journalism and Foreign Studies, Shanghai University of Sport liuheng1995@yeah.net 
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      Jiangwan Stadium, a landmark building in the Wujiaochang area of Shanghai, built in 1935 has exerted a great influence on the sports and cultural life of Shanghai residents for more than 80 years. As the most well-known newspaper in Shanghai before the founding of the People's Republic of China and even nationally known, the report published by Shun Pao can more accurately reflect the social landscape of Shanghai at that time. By consulting the report of Shun Pao on the preparation and construction of Jiangwan Stadium, the author investigated the motivation, process and people's attitude towards the construction of Jiangwan Stadium, and reconstructed the historical memory of Shanghai and the whole nation for Jiangwan Stadium. The research found that from 1934 to 1935, the report of Shun Pao on Jiangwan Stadium mainly focused on the preparatory process and the completion of the stadium. After the completion, the content of the report changed to focus on the introduction of the stadium.
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