An Empirical Study on the Assessment of Football Players' Training Load by Ratings of Perceived Exertion
Received:January 29, 2019  
中文关键词:足球  运动负荷  内部负荷  主观疲劳量表  RPE  心率
英文关键词:football  training load  internal load  Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE)  heart rate
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
CHEN Yanlong School of Physical Education & Sports Science, South China Normal University 644953007@qq.com 
MAO Wanli School of Physical Education & Sports Science, South China Normal University  
LIU Hongyou School of Physical Education & Sports Science, South China Normal University 442688299@qq.com 
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      Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) needs to be accompanied with more objective physiological indictors. The study tracked multiple training sessions of 16 collegiate football players, collected the pre-RPE, post-RPE and heart rate of players, and calculated the training load of each player using the RPE-based methods of Foster1 and Foster2, as well as the heart-rate-based methods of Banister1, Banister2, Edwards and Stagno. A Pearson Correlation analysis was carried out to test the relationships between the training load of every player in each session estimated from the two RPE-based methods and the four heart-rate-based methods. Results showed that training load of players estimated from the two RPE-based methods (Foster1 and Foster2) has a mean correlation of: 0.91 and 0.79 with the training load estimated from Banister1 method, of 0.62 and 0.57 with the training load estimated from Banister2 method, of 0.75 and 0.69 with the training load estimated from Edwards method, of 0.55 and 0.54 with the training load estimated Stagno method. Conclusion: that RPE can effectively estimate the training load of soccer players, while post-RPE is more accurate than accumulated RPE in measuring soccer players' training load.
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