Functional Movement Screen and Rehabilitation Training of Basketball Players
Received:July 09, 2018  
中文关键词:大学生  篮球运动员  功能性动作筛查  康复体能训练
英文关键词:college student  male basketball player  functional movement screening  sports injury  rehabilitation physical training
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LI Hui School of Physical Education, Shanxi University 614607120@qq.com 
WU Baoai School of Physical Education, Shanxi University 469203910@qq.com 
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      The paper applied FMS in college students during the basketball training camp, refined and promoted the rehabilitation training by considering characteristics of the sports and reference to foreign training cases, for contribution to the injury-prevention and basial functional movement assessment for college basketball players. Conclusions: (1)The standard of 14-point classification of functional movement screening (FMS) composite score can predict the risk of acute injury of college basketball players when participating in pre-match training. (2) Rehabilitation physical training intervention improve the FMS score and reduce the high-risk group of injury, and effectively relieve the chronic pain of the knee and waist.
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