Functional Training of Table Tennis Players to Prevent Injury
Received:October 11, 2018  
中文关键词:功能训练  乒乓球  损伤  关节活动度  稳定性
英文关键词:functional training  table tennis  injury  range of motion (ROM)  stability
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
LI Nan Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science linan1118316@163.com 
YE Jinglong   
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      The idea of functional training comes from the field of rehabilitation and has been gradually applied to sports training. Due to the characteristics of table tennis sports, injuries are likely to occur in the shoulder, lumbar, knee, ankle, and wrist joints of table tennis players. Based on the analysis of the common functional problems among table tennis players, this paper attempts to locate the existing common problems and puts forward suggestions on the corresponding functional training. Accordingly, table tennis players can increase the training to expand the range of motion of shoulder, thoracic vertebra, hip and ankle joints, and to increase the stability of shoulder blade, core and lower limbs, and to improve the balance of rotator cuff and trunk muscle strength. The injury of table tennis players can be effectively reduced through targeted functional training.
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