A Conceptual Framework for Tiered Intervention in Physical Education
Received:November 27, 2018  
中文关键词:体育教学  分层干预  学校资源  社区资源  学生识别
英文关键词:physical education  tiered intervention  school resource  community resource  student identification
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
Brian Dauenhauer University of Northern Colorado Brian.Dauenhauer@unco.edu 
Xiaofen Keating University of Northern Colorado  
Dolly Lambdin Department of Kinesiology and Health Education  
Robert Knipe III University of Northern Colorado  
YAN Hui Shanghai Research of Sports Science 122761853@qq.com 
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      Based on the physical education concept which aims to help all children obtain fine physical quality through health and physical education curriculum, and the literature review of tiered intervention in physical education, it is found that general tiered intervention can only meet the sports demands of lower-performing students instead of higher performing students, thus failing to enable all children to acquire good physical fitness through physical education. Therefore, this paper further expands the tiered intervention model on physical education and sorts out the school and community resources related to interventions of different tiers. It is also believed that students at different tiers should be identified according to the high-priority outcomes of schools and communities on the basis of the five National Standards.
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