The Past, Present and Future of Exercise Prescription
Received:December 20, 2019  
中文关键词:运动处方  运动是良药  运动量效  健康生活方式  可穿戴设备
英文关键词:exercise prescription  Exercise is medicine  exercise quantity effect  healthy lifestyle  wearable device
Author NameAffiliationE-mail
ZHU Weimo University of Illinois, Illinois weimozhu@uiuc.edu 
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      As a “medicine” to prevent and cure diseases, exercise is increasingly recognized by more and more physicians, and has entered the daily life of the general public. Since exercise is a "medicine", it should not follow the principle of "the more the better", but be "tailored" and personalized, which therefore needs prescriptions. The purpose of this paper is to improve the understanding of this emerging field and make a systematic introduction by reviewing the past and present development of the exercise prescription and predicting its future development trend.
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