The Balance between Principles of Equitable Liability and Assumption of Risk in Social Sports Injuries: An Analysis Based on Cases of Injuries in Badminton
中文关键词:体育法  羽毛球  公平责任原则  自甘风险原则  社会体育伤害事故
英文关键词:sports law  badminton  equitable liability principle  assumption of risk  injuries in social sports
Author NameAffiliation
XU Xiang Administrative Law School, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xi'an 710063 , China 
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      In the handling of civil tort disputes, the principles of equitable liability and assumption of risk are a pair of contradictions , which are often the focus of controversy either in judicial practice or in theoretical discussions. Especially in sports injury disputes, when there is harm caused unintentionally by both parties, the application of the principle of equitable liability or assumption of risk is a long-standing dispute at home and abroad. Based on the empirical study and comparative analysis of the injury cases in badminton doubles which enjoys a high social popularity in China, this paper discusses if it is reasonable to apply the principles of equitable liability and assumption of risk, and verifies the rationality of employing the principle of equitable liability in sports injuries. It is suggested that we should modify and clarify the provisions and status of the principle of assumption of risk in the law as soon as possible, so as to better invoke the principles of equitable liability and assumption of risk in the handling of disputes over injuries in the nationwide fitness activities, and to realize the rule of law accordingly.
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