A Review of Researches on Intervention Strategies of Physical Activity
中文关键词:身体活动  行为改变  健康促进  干预
英文关键词:physical activity  behavior change  health promotion  intervention
Author NameAffiliation
QIU Xuankai College of Physical Education and Sports, Soochow University, Suzhou 215000 , China 
WANG Jielong College of Physical Education and Sports, Soochow University, Suzhou 215000 , China 
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      Physical activity level is an important factor influencing public health. The key to improving people's physical activity level is to intervene in the behavior of individuals and groups. Therefore, it is necessary to study the intervention mechanism of physical activity in order to improve the individual or group physical activity level. This paper firstly reviews several classical theories, and analyzes their development at home and abroad, their application in promoting physical activity, their shortcomings and the possible research directions in the future. And then, a theoretical framework for the guidance and intervention of individual or group physical activities is established by integrating various theories, so as to provide references for sports workers, health-related practitioners and policy makers.
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