Research Progress on Relationship between Athlete's Sensation Seeking and Risk-taking in High Risk Sports and Its Influencing Factors
中文关键词:高风险运动项目  运动员  感觉寻求  冒险行为
英文关键词:high risk sports  athlete  sensation seeking  risk-taking
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Dapeng Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan 430079 , China 
ZHOU Wen Wuhan College, Wuhan 430070 , China 
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      研究采用文献综述法分析了国内外关于高风险运动项目运动员感觉寻求与冒险行为之间的关系及其影响因素,从运动员个人和运动项目两个方面,分析不同因素对运动员感觉寻求和冒险行为的影响效应及作用过程。结果表明:(1) 感觉寻求是高风险运动项目运动员做出冒险行为的重要影响因素之一;(2)不同高风险运动项目之间,运动员的感觉寻求和冒险行为存在差异,未表现出同质性;(3)高风险运动项目运动员的感觉寻求与冒险行为受到运动员个人(运动动机、风险感知调控能力、情绪、人格、经验与水平、性别与年龄)和外部环境(运动项目、运动安全装备)两方面因素的共同作用。
      This study reviewed the literature on the relationship between the athlete's sensation seeking and risk-taking behavior in high risk sports at home and abroad, and examined the influencing factors from the perspectives of individual athletes and sports events. The results suggest that: (1) sensation seeking is one of the most important influencing factors for risk-taking behaviors of athletes from high risk sports; (2) there are differences in sensation seeking and risk-taking among different high risk sports, showing no homogeneity; (3) the sensation seeking and risk-taking of the athletes from high risk sports are affected by both individual (sport motivation, risk perception and control ability, emotion, personality, experience and level, age and gender) and environmental (type of events,safe equipments ) factors.
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