Merging of Sports Science and Practice: Facts, Barriers, Recommendations
中文关键词:教练员  科研人员  高等院校  体育科学研究所  运动队
英文关键词:coach  sports scientist  university  institute of sport science  sport team
Author NameAffiliation
LI Yongming School of Physical Education and Sport Training, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China China Institute of Sport Science, Beijing 100061 , China 
ZHANG Bei Shanghai Research Institute of Sport Science& Shanghai Anti-Doping Agency, Shanghai 200030 , China 
WANG Xiong National Team Performance Training Center, Beijing 100061 , China 
LI Haipeng China Institute of Sport Science, Beijing 100061 , China 
XU Jincheng Administration of Winter Sports, Beijing 100044 , China 
JIANG Zili China Athletics Association, Beijing 100061 , China 
ZI Wei Chinese Rowing Association, Beijing 100061 , China 
HE Wei China Institute of Sport Science, Beijing 100061 , China 
JIN Chen National Team Performance Training Center, Beijing 100061 , China 
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      The merging of sports science and practice is the vital guarantee and feature of the high-quality development of competitive sports in China. However, the differences between sports science and practice, as well as differences between sports scientists and coaches bring a number of barriers to the merging between sports science and practice. Understanding and accepting the differences between the two and clearing the obstacles are the preconditions of the merging. Sports science should be supported and guided by training practice. This study introduced the research paradigm of sports science and the reality of training practice, analyzed the barriers of the merging, and finally put forward suggestions for the merging based on the international trends and the current situation of competitive sports in China.
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