Build a Vigorous City for National Fitness and Promote the Construction of a World Famous Sports City
中文关键词:全民健身  活力城市  体育城市  上海
英文关键词:fitness  vibrant cities  sports city  Shanghai
Author NameAffiliation
Cao Keqiang School of Economics and Management, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China 
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      运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法袁在总结上海全民健身事业 25 年发展成效的基础上袁分析上海野建设人人运动尧人人健康的活力之城冶面临的机遇袁提出创造人性化的运动环境尧构建高品质的运动空间尧倡导现代化的生活方式和培养高水平的健康素养的发展路径袁以及加强组织领导尧落实支持政策尧动员社会力量和推进依法治体等措施袁保障全民健身活力城市建设遥
      Based on literature review, logical analysis and a summary of the 25-year achievements of the national fitness program in Shanghai, the study analyzed the opportunities of Shanghai "building a vibrant city where everyone sports and everyone healthy", proposed to create a humanized sports environment and build a high quality sports space, advocated a modern way of life and a development path of cultivating high level health literacy, and put forward measures to strengthen the organization and leadership, implement the support policies, mobilize the social forces and promote law-based management, so as to guarantee the construction of a vigorous city for national fitness.
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