Review on Age-friendly Environments and Physical Activities
中文关键词:老年友好环境  身体活动  物质环境  社会环境  服务环境
英文关键词:age-friendly environment  physical activity  physical environment  social environment  service environment
Author NameAffiliation
XU Jixiang School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032 , China 
GAO Junling School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032 , China 
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      The proper physical activity plays an important role in maintaining or improving the health and functional level of the elderly, and the favorable and benign environment is considered to be a key factor to promote physical activities for the elderly. Therefore, the construction of age-friendly environment is an important strategy proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to deal with the aging of population. This paper summarizes the relevant research literature on age-friendly environments and physical activities, and discusses the impacts of the age-friendly environment, including the physical environment, social environment and service environment, on the level of physical activi- ty among the elderly population, so as to provide fresh ideas and guidance for the construction of age-friendly environment and the promotion of physical activities for the elderly.
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