To Be Or Not To Be: On "Aggravating Circumstances Which May Increase the Period of Ineligibility" in 202 1.World Anti-Doping Code
中文关键词:兴奋剂违规  加重处罚情节  比例原则  运动员权利
英文关键词:anti-doping rule violation  aggravating circumstances  principle of proportionality  athlete right
Author NameAffiliation
LIANG Xiaoying Kenneth Wang School of Law, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006 , China 
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      兴奋剂违规“情节严重加重处罚”条款,以打击兴奋剂违规为主要目的。兴奋剂违规处罚的公法属性揭示了该条款以责任加重为依据,体现“重罪重罚”的形式相称性 ;兴奋剂违规处罚的私法属性表明该条款是意思自治下权利让渡的结果。然而,该条款不满足比例原则的必要性要求,筑起了“严者愈严,宽者难宽”的处罚机制,变相扩大了世界反兴奋剂机构等体育组织的权力,反映了《世界反兴奋剂条例》对基本违规的量“刑”考虑欠缺,条款具体内容的不完善威胁着运动员等当事人的合法权益。这些纰缪令人质疑该条款存在的合理性,该条款不应“卷土重来”
      The main purpose of Article 10.4 (Aggravating Circumstances which may Increase the Period of Ineligibility) of the 2021 World Anti-Doping Code(WADC) is fighting against intendedanti-doping rule violations. The Article has dual nature of public law and private law. From the perspective of public law, the Article is based on the aggravation of liability; while from the perspective of private law, the Article is the result of the transfer of rights under autonomy of will. However, the Article does not meet the necessity of the principle of proportionality, twists the WADC sanction mechanism with the characteristic of "more and more severe, difficult to be lenient", expands the powers of the World Anti-Doping Agency, WADC's Signatories and the Court for Arbitration for Sport in a disguised way, reflects WADC's lack of consideration on the sentence for basic violations, and threatens the rights of athletes and other parties. All of these challenge the rationality and necessity of the Article, so the Article should not exist.
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