The Legal Path of Cultivating Sports Social Organizations in China
中文关键词:体育社会组织  培育  体育法治  行政监管
英文关键词:sports social organization  cultivation  sports rule of law  administrative supervision
Author NameAffiliation
LI Jing Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201701 , China 
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      体育强国战略的提出为培育体育社会组织提供了新的契机,如何培育体育社会组织则是我国体育法治建设中的一个重要命题。在体育社会组织培育的过程中,亟须解决目前存在的行政监管机关之间职责划分不清、体育社会组织难以获得必要体育资源、政府购买体育社会组织的体育服务监督不足等众多问题。为此,建议:行政机关要转变监管理念与监管协作方式 ;充分利用信息技术进行监管协作 ;在体育社会组织主动获得必要体育资源上提供立法保障 ;对政府购买体育服务进行有效的监督等。因此,构建我国体育社会组织培育的法治路径,将是十分重要的举措
      The sports power initiative poses a new opportunity for cultivating sports social organizations. How to cultivate sports social organizations is of vital importance in the construction of sports rule of law in China. At present, in the process of cultivating sports social organizations, there is an urgent need to solve many problems, such as unclear division of responsibilities between administrative supervision departments, inaccessibility of necessary sports resources for sports social organizations, and insufficient supervision on sports services purchased by the government from sports social organizations. Therefore, this paper put forward suggestions as follows: the administrative departments should change the philosophy of supervision and the way of supervision cooperation; make full use of information technology for regulatory collaboration; sports social organizations have legislative guarantee to access necessary sports resources; government purchase of sports service has to be effectively supervised, etc. The paper concluded that it is a very important measure to build a legal path for cultivating sports social organizations in China.
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