Circadian Rhythm and Metabolic Health
中文关键词:生物钟  代谢  能量平衡  进食时间和频率  运动时间  血糖稳态
英文关键词:circadian clock  metabolism  energy balance  meal timing and frequency  exercise time  blood glucose homeostasis
Author NameAffiliation
KANG Jie Department of Health and Exercise Science, College of New Jersey, New Jersey 08628, USA 
LIU Chang(Translator)2 Department of Health and Exercise Science, College of New Jersey, New Jersey 08628, USA Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science & Shanghai Anti-Doping Agency, Shanghai 200030 , China 
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      The circadian timing system or circadian clock plays a crucial role in many biological processes, such as the sleep-wake cycle, hormone secretion, cardiovascular health, glucose homeostasis, and body temperature regulation. As the rise in metabolic disorders is occurring at an unprecedented rate, understanding how the circadian system affects metabolic homeostasis has been a focus of numerous research communities in the last several decades. Long-term circadian disruptions can lead to energy imbalance, thereby contributing to the pathogenesis of these diseases. This review provided an overview of the bidirectional effect of circadian rhythm on metabolic processes and energy balance. It presented both the current research evidence and methodology used to conduct circadian-related experiments. When appropriate, evidence-based recommendations were also provided. Based on this review, it is clear that not only do circadian clocks drive metabolic pathways, they can also be modulated by non-photic stimuli such diet and exercise. One important message conveyed from this review is that implementing dietary and exercise interventions based on proper timing may increase the success of disease prevention and treatment. In view of the complexity of clock-metabolism interactions, more research is needed in order to elucidate how these processes interact so that more effective therapeutic strategies can be developed to curb the rising rate of metabolic disorders associated with circadian disturbance.
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