Organization, Management and Optimization Strategies of Sports Events in China under the Background of Sports Power Construction
中文关键词:体育强国  体育赛事  责任制度  监督管理  安全健康
英文关键词:Sports Power  sports events  liability system  supervision and management  safety and health
Author NameAffiliation
XU Shiwei Sports Law Institute of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201701 , China 
JI Huihui Sports Institute of Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234 , China 
NI Jingshuai Sports Department, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai 201620 , China 
Hits: 2019
Download times: 3438
      体育赛事是体育事业发展的重要内涵和抓手,也是建设体育强国的重要内涵指标。运用文献资料研究、专家访谈、逻辑分析等方法,在阐释赛事审批权取消后体育赛事举办主体参差不齐现状的基础上,分析黄河石林山地马拉松百公里越野赛事件暴露出的我国体育赛事组织管理上的缺陷。进而对未来我国体育赛事组织管理提出对策建议:强化赛事安全保障的底线思维 ;强化办赛执行标准,明确办赛责任清单 ;构建健全的赛事法律责任体系 ;细化高危性体育运动项目目录标准,强化高危性运动项目开展的监管 ;强化健全的赛事监管体系,提高赛事准入门槛 ;规范赛事准入制度,提高赛事运营门槛 ;强化落实赛事风险评估及应急体系建设
      Sports events are not only an important content and a foothold for the development of sports, but also an important index for building a Sports Power. Using the methods of literature review, expert interview and logical analysis, this paper first expounds the uncertain host of sports events after the cancellation of the competition approval rights of the 4th Yellow River Shilin Mountain Marathon 100 km Cross-country Race, and then analyzes the defects in the organization and management of sports events exposed by the Yellow River Shilin Mountain Marathon 100 km Cross-country Race. The paper finally puts forward strategies and suggestions for the organization and management of sports events in China in the future: to promote the bottom-line thinking so as to guarantee sports event safety; to strictly implement the standards of hosting a competition and clarify the responsibility list of the competition; to build a sound legal liability system for sports events; to detail the standards of high-risk sports and strengthen the supervision of the high-risk sports events; to enforce a sound sports event supervision system and raise the entry threshold for competitions; to standardize the sports event access system and increase the sports event operation threshold; and to implement sports event risk assessment and emergency system construction.
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