The Overview of Winter Paralympic Alpine Skiing Sports
中文关键词:残疾人体育  冬残奥  坐姿高山滑雪
英文关键词:paralympic sports  Winter Paralympic  para sitting alpine skiing
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Yuxia Key Laboratory of Exercise and Health Sciences of Ministry of Education, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China Henan Institute of sport science, Zhengzhou 450044 , China 
XU Qinghua China Administration of Sports for Persons with Disabilities, Beijing 101318 , China 
JIN Zhe Beijing Sports University, Beijing 100084 , China 
ZHANG Tian Beijing Sports University, Beijing 100084 , China 
WANG Xiangdong Jimei University, Xiamen 361021 , China 
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      Alpine skiing is a key breakthrough direction for China to prepare for the Beijing 2022 Winter Paralympic Games because it contains major gold medals. Winter paralympic alpine skiing has the particularity of participating objects, and sports equipment which different from normal alpine skiing. To understand the development process and technology evolution of winter paralympic alpine skiing which helps fully understand the law of its development. It also helps to progress on research and technical development of this project in the future through review of the research status of sitting alpine skiing technology.
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