An Experimental Study on Effects of Open Motor Skill Exercise on Visual Health of Sixth Graders
中文关键词:小学生  体育活动  裸眼远视力  动态视力  开放式运动技能  用眼负荷
英文关键词:primary school students  physical exercise  static visual acuity  kinetic visual acuity  open motor skills  visual load
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Ganfeng School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021 ,China 
ZHAO Ran School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021 ,China 
ZHOU Sheng School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021 ,China 
YIN Rongbin School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021 ,China 
CAI Geng School of Physical Education,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021 ,China 
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      Objective: To explore the influence of open motor skill exercise and the way to reduce students' visual load in learning, as well as the impact of combining the two methods on kinetic visual acuity (KVA) and static visual acuity (SVA) of sixth grade students in the primary school. Method: 168 students from 4 classes in Grade 6 of a school in Suzhou were randomly divided into visual load reduction group, exercise intervention group, mixed intervention group and conventional control group. The experimental intervention lasted for 16 weeks with different methods. KVA and SVA were measured before and after the intervention. Results: There was no significant difference in KVA and SVA of the students in the visual load reduction group compared with the pre-test (P>0.05), but the students' SVA was increased; There was no significant difference in KVA and SVA of the students in the exercise intervention group compared with the pre-test (P>0.05), but the students' KVA was improved. In the mixed intervention group, KVA was significantly improved (t=-2.268, P< 0.05), and SVA was significantly improved (t=-2.718, P < 0.01); There was no significant difference in KVA and SVA of the students in the conventional control groups (P > 0.05), and both visual acuity showed a downward trend. In terms of gender, SVA of girls in the mixed intervention group was significantly improved (t= -2.368, P < 0.05), while KVA of boys in the conventional control group was significantly decreased (t= 2.897, P < 0.01). Conclusion: The combination of open motor skill exercise to strengthen the kinetic visual acuity with the methods to reduce students' visual load in learning can improve both KVA and SVA of sixth grade students, The mixed intervention has a positive effect on the visual acuity of students, and effectively delays the development of myopia in children.
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