Key Performance Indicators Related to Winning in the Chinese Super League of Football: Analysis Based on the Data of Eight Seasons
中文关键词:足球  中超联赛  跑动  技术  比赛表现分析  数据级数推断
英文关键词:soccer  Chinese Super League (CSL)  running  technical  match performance analysis  magnitude-based inference
Author NameAffiliation
QU Tieqiang College of Physical Education,Hanshan NormalUniversity,Chaozhou 521041 , China 
CHEN Yanlong Department of Physical Education, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou 510006 ,China 
ZHOU Changjing School of Physical Education and Training,Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 ,China 
GONG Bingnan Institute of Physical Education and Training,Capital University of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing 100191 ,China 
LIU Hongyou School of Physical Education & Sports Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006 ,China National Demonstration Centre for Experimental Sports Science Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006 , China 
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      采取数据级数推断与广义混合线性模型的统计方法,以2012—2019赛季中国足球超级联赛1 899场比赛的跑动指标和技术指标数值为自变量,以比赛结果为因变量,界定比赛致胜关键指标。结果:(1)各项跑动相关指标的增加对比赛获胜概率只带来微小无意义的影响;(2)在技术指标中,增加2个标准差的射正率可以为球队获胜概率带来31%的增量(99%置信区间:±4.4%),而增加2个标准差的个人控球时间、个人控球次数、进攻三区个人控球次数、个人控球平均触球次数、传球次数、传球成功率、向前场传球次数、向前场传球成功率和传中次数分别会降低20%(±4.2%)、25.3%(±4.2%)、25.6%(±4.3%)、17.3%(±4.1%)、25.2%(±4.2%)、19%(±4.2%)、25.8%(±4.3%)、19%(±4.2%)和32%(±4.2%)的比赛获胜概率,而增加一张红牌,会给球队获胜概率带来10.6%(±4.3%)的下降。
      Employing the magnitude-based inference and the generalized mixed linear modelling, the key performance indicators related to winning in the 2012-2019 Chinese Football Super League was identified by analyzing the data of 1 899 matches provided by Amisco. The results showed that: (1)There were trivial changes in the winning probability of the game by increasing the values of running-related variables; (2) increasing the shot accuracy by 2 SDs would bring a 31% (±99% confidence interval: ±4.4%) higher probability of winning, while a two-SD increment in individual possession time, individual possession frequency, individual possession frequency in attacking third, pass, pass accuracy, forward pass, forward pass accuracy and cross would reduce the winning probability by 20% (±4.2%), 25.3% (±4.2%), 25.6% (±4.3%), 17.3% (±4.1%), 25.2% (±4.2%), 19% (±4.2%), 25.8% (±4.3%), 19% (±4.2%) and 32% (±4.2%). While an extra red card would decrease the probability of winning by 10.6% (±4.3%).
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