Spanish Legal Responses to Sports Doping
中文关键词:西班牙  体育运动  兴奋剂  法律应对
英文关键词:Spain  sports  doping  legal responses
Author NameAffiliation
Elena Atienza Macías(author) Law Faculty of Deusto University, Donostia-San Sebastián 20001, Spain 
陈海田(译) Law Faculty of Deusto University, Donostia-San Sebastián 20001, Spain School of International Law of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201701 , China 
Hits: 1962
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      Under the Spanish Criminal Law, the issue of applying criminal sanctions to the sports sphere, in particular to the doping area, has been accompanied with the introduction of specific crimes if committed by the athlete, such as the consumption of prohibited substances, as it appears from the Comparative Law. The Spanish doctrine about the reference of criminal law to the sporting area is divided: on the one hand, there are the positions against the use of Criminal Law for introducing new specific crimes related to doping; on the other hand, within authors who agree on the formulation of a specific crime for sport, there is not a 'peaceful' delimitation of whether the offense protects an unique legal right or several rights. In other words, it is essential to determine if there are several legal rights that can be involved in a doping crime, which are inadequately protected by other crimes, so as to justify an unified punishment of the behaviors related to doping.
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