Latvian Anti-Doping Legal System: Past and Present Challenges
中文关键词:拉脱维亚  体育法  国家反兴奋剂体系
英文关键词:Latvia  sports law  national anti-doping system
Author NameAffiliation
Karina Zalcmane (auhtor) EKA University of Applied Sciences, Riga 999082 , Latvia Sports Law Research Institute, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201701 , China 
袁珺卿(译) EKA University of Applied Sciences, Riga 999082 , Latvia Sports Law Research Institute, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 201701 , China 
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      The article includes analysis of the current situation in the field of anti-doping in Latvia, as well as describes legal issues relating to the compliance with provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code and Anti-Doping Convention of the Council of Europe, as well as International Convention Against Do- ping in Sport that existed before 2017. The survey conducted by the World Anti-Doping Agency concerning compliance with the Code in the member countries revealed several non-compliances in Latvian antidoping system before 2017. The most important is that the Latvian National Anti-Doping Organisation, which was the Anti-Doping Department under the State Sport Medicine Centre at that time, lacked sufficient autonomy and funds for comprehensive compliance with the Code and requirements defined in the Convention.
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