2023's Middle-School Graduation Physical Education/Fitness Examination Should be Cancelled: Consensus and Recommendations Based on Scientific Evidences
中文关键词:新冠病毒感染  体育考试  长新冠  停训影响  体能恢复
英文关键词:COVID-19 infection  physical fitness examination  Long COVID  deconditioning  physical rehabilitation
Author NameAffiliation
ZHU Weimo Yunnan Plateau Thermal Health Industry Innovation Research Institute, Tengchong 679100 , China Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science & Shanghai Anti-Doping Agency, Shanghai 200030 , China 
FAN Xiangyang Department of Security, Physical Education, and Health of Dalian Education Bureau, Dalian 116021 , China 
SONG Lihui Lang Ping Research Center for Sports Culture and Policy of Beijing Normal University, Beijng 100875 , China 
YU Hongjun Division of Sports Science and Physical Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 , China 
ZHUANG Jie Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China 
WANG Zhen Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China 
QIN Xiong Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 , China 
CHEN Zezhao Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 , China 
HUANG Lingling Yunnan Plateau Thermal Health Industry Innovation Research Institute, Tengchong 679100 , China 
LI Zhizhong Nanjing Jinling High School, Nanjing 210005 , China Working Committee of Primary and Secondary School of Jiangsu Provincial Student Sports Association, Nanjing 210005 , China 
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      2023 年的体育中考是否应该取消是家长和学校所关心的一个问题。为科学准确地回答这个问题。对新型冠状病毒感染对儿童青少年健康和体能的影响以及感染后如何科学安全恢复运动的国内外科学研究和基于这些研究上的专家共识和科学声明进行检索和梳理遥鉴于众多的中小学生被新冠病毒奥密克戎变异株感染袁且其中大部分学生有发烧尧肌肉酸痛尧无力和嗜睡等症状袁有不少学生可能会受到长新冠的影响袁加上受疫情影响袁学生的体能可能远低于疫情前同期水平袁且没有足够时间让他们恢复袁2023 年中考的体育考试因此应取消遥学校同时应遵循基于科学证据上的重返运动建议袁科学安全地指导 2023 年体育课和疫情后学生体能恢复的开展遥
      "Should 2023's middle-school graduation physical education/fitness examination be cancelled?" is a major question by both parents and schools. To accurately and scientifically answer this question, we conducted a thorough literature search and review on both the impact of COVID-19 virus infections on children and youth's health and fitness, as well as related guidelines, consensus and scientific statements on how safely help them return to physical activities, training and sport competitions. Because the vast infections among children and youth by Omicron variant, many of them had moderate severity symptoms, some may have Long COVID, most of them were lack of systematic physical fitness training during the past three years, the 2023 examination should be cancelled with a focus on help children and youth gradually increase their physical activities and training, improve their physical fitness and safely return to play and sports through school physical education classes and programs.
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