A Case Study on Application of Tabata Interval Ergometer Training in Pre-competition Training of Track Cycling
Received:April 20, 2023  
中文关键词:功率车Tabata训练  赛前训练  减量增强度  自行车运动员  个案
英文关键词:tabata interval ergometer training  pre-competition training  decreased volume and increased intensity  cyclist  case
Author NameAffiliation
QIAO Jie Shanghai No.2 Sports School, Shanghai 201100 , China 
MA Guoqiang Shanghai Research Institute of Sports Science & Shanghai Anti-Doping Agency, Shanghai 200030 , China 
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      目的:比较场地世界杯赛前阶段,两名自行车运动员(郭×、顾×)分别应用“减量增强度”和“训练量不变”两种功率车Tabata间歇训练方案的训练课中运动表现和生理机能适应的差异。方法:场地短距离自行车运动员郭×和顾×3周完成7节功率车Tabata间歇训练(TIET)课,每节课包括4组内容为次数不同的“120 r/min稳定踏频骑20 s +60 r/min放松恢复骑10 s”训练。郭×单节课总骑行次数逐步减少、总传动距离逐步增加,而顾×常规训练课总次数不变。采集训练课中的骑行功率、做功、心率及每组骑行后的血乳酸进行分析。结果:郭×单节课总做功从第1节课的266.8 kJ逐渐降低至第7节课的201.0 kJ,但单节课的平均功率出现逐课次增加的变化趋势。郭×仅第2节课的平均心率较第1节课下降6.1%,接下来5节课明显回升;郭×第6和第7节课后的血乳酸清除量(ΔBLa)分别显著升高至1.05 mmol/L和1.3 mmol/L。结论:在场地自行车赛前阶段完成的7节功率车Tabata训练课中,通过减少训练课骑行次数、增大阻力档位,可在提高训练强度的同时,降低训练量以促进体能恢复,完成“减量增强度”的赛前训练目标。
      Objective: To compare the differences of the training performance and physiological adaptation between the two Tabata interval ergometer training (TIET) program applied during pre-competition training of two track cyclists (GUO and GU). Methods: Seven sessions of TIET on Wattbike Pro cycle ergometer (UK) were completed in three weeks. Each session included four groups' TIET of 20 s riding and 10 s active recovery with the different group times. GUO's total session times decreased gradually, but total gear meters were set to be increased gradually. GU completed the normal program. The power, work, HR and BLa recovery volume (ΔBLa) of TIET sessions were analyzed. Results: Although GUO's total work of TIET sessions decreased from 266.8 kJ of the first session to the last session's 201.0 kJ, but the average power of each session were increased gradually respectively. GUO's average HR only decreased by 6.1% in the second session than the first, then rose up again in the following five sessions. The degree of BLa recovery increased significantly to 1.05 mmol/L and 1.3 mmol/L after the sixth and the seventh session respectively. Conclusion: In the seven Tabata interval ergometer training sessions before competition, GUO achieved the pre-competition training target of "decreased volume and increased intensity" by decreasing riding times and increasing gear meters,which can improve the riding intensity and promote physical recovery by reducing volume.
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