Defense of "Compelling Justification" in Article 2.3 of the World Anti-Doping Code
Received:July 01, 2023  
中文关键词:令人信服的理由  运动员权利  兴奋剂违规  《世界反兴奋剂条例》
英文关键词:compelling justification  athletes′ rights  anti-doping rule violation  WADC
Author NameAffiliation
YU Miao Kenneth Wang School of Law, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006 , China 
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      The World Anti-Doping Code (WADC) plays an important role in the world anti-doping system as a programmatic document for global anti-doping efforts. Athletes must comply with the WADC and are punished if they violate the relevant provisions. As a complete defense, "compelling justification" is an important rule basis for the protection of athletes′ rights and deserves in-depth study. This article starts with the "Sun Yang case" and combines it with other cases in Article 2.3 of the WADC, and finds that the criteria for determining "compelling justification" have issues such as unclear definition, too harsh application, excessive discretionary power and inconsistent discretionary standards, subjective misperceptions by athletes and single value measurement, which result in ineffective relief for athletes. In order to further improve the application of "compelling justification" and to progressively implement and expand athletes′ rights in the field of anti-doping, the author insists on the application of "compelling justification" to doping control procedures, addition of a "compelling justification" provision to WADC Article 2.5, mitigation of penalties, improvement of the CAS internal organization as well as its rules and regulations, and strengthening athlete training and multiplying factors of value measurement (proportionality and strict liability).
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