Effects of Neuromuscular Fatigue on Eye Movement Characteristics of Taekwondo Athletes Tracking Moving Target
Received:August 16, 2023  
中文关键词:目标追踪  跆拳道  神经肌肉疲劳  视觉追踪
英文关键词:target tracking  Taekwondo  neuromuscular fatigue  visual tracking
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Yan Beihang University, Beijing 100191 , China 
LIU Meng Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 , China 
ZHOU Jun Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 , China 
LIU Haoyang Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 , China 
BAO Dapeng Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084 , China 
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      This study aims to investigate the visual attributes of Taekwondo athletes while tracking moving objects and assess the impact of neuromuscular fatigue on these attributes. Method: Employing a virtual reality (VR) eye tracking system, this study gathered eye movement data from a cohort of twenty-four elite Taekwondo athletes during both experimental (tracking moving target) and control (without moving target) tasks, both before and after their training sessions. The test lasted for 42 training days. The dataset comprised a total of 655 records. Subjects exhibiting signs of neuromuscular fatigue, as determined through the counter-movement jump (CMJ) test, were identified, resulting in a selection of 44 participants for subsequent statistical analysis. Results: In comparison to the control task, the subjects exhibited a significant reduction in pupil diameter and fixation duration during the experimental task, regardless of their fatigue status. Notably, the subjects in the neuromuscular fatigue displayed an increase in pupil diameter, enhanced saccade velocity, and prolonged fixation duration. Conclusion: Following extended specialized training, Taekwondo athletes exhibit improved tracking skills and information gathering, requiring less attention for the retrieval of valuable data. In the presence of neuromuscular fatigue, Taekwondo athletes experience an enlargement in pupil diameter, reduced sensitivity to valuable information, and increased difficulty in collecting visual information while tracking moving targets.
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