Comparison on the Scores of Functional Movement Screening of Swimmers of Different Genders and Competitive Levels
Received:April 12, 2024  
中文关键词:功能动作筛查  游泳运动员  均衡性  动作质量
英文关键词:functional movement screening  swimmer  symmetry  quality of movement
Author NameAffiliation
TAN Zhizong Shanghai Research Institute of Sport Science & Shanghai Anti-Doping Agency,Shanghai 200030 ,China 
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      Objective: Functional movement screening (FMS) scoring method was adopted to compare and analyze the quality and symmetry of Functional movements of swimmers of different competitive levels and genders. Methods: Subjects included 161 swimming players. According to the competitive level, they were divided into the excellent group (n=60) and the general group (n=101) for FMS test and data collection. Results: ①There was no significant difference in composite FMS scores between the two groups and different gender athletes(P>0.05). ②There were significant differences in the scores of shoulder mobility, active straight leg raise(P<0.05) and rotational stability between the excellent group and the general group(P<0.01). ③In the excellent group, there were significant gender differences in the scores of inline lunge, active straight leg raise(P<0.05) and trunk stability push-up(P<0.01). ④In the general group, there were significant gender differences in the scores of deep squat, inline lunge and active straight leg raise(P<0.05). ⑤In terms of the quality of functional movements, there were significant differences in the quality of deep squat, trunk stability push-up(P<0.05) and rotation stability respectively between the two groups(P<0.01). ⑥In terms of functional symmetry, the asymmetry of the excellent group was mainly manifested in inline lunge and hurdle step, accounting for 31.67% and 30% respectively. while the asymmetry of the general group was most obvious in shoulder mobility,Accounting for 31.68%. Conclusion: Composite FMS scores did not reflect a swimmer's competitive level and gender differences. Elite swimmers had better shoulder flexibility and symmetry, and the male athletes core stability and strength was better than female athletes. Ordinary athletes had better core stability and hamstring flexibility, and male athletes had better squat ability than female athletes. Women of both groups showed better hamstring flexibility than their male counterparts.
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