The Incorporation and Transformation of Esports Culture Under Postmodernism
Received:April 09, 2024  
中文关键词:电竞文化  文化收编  青年亚文化  后现代
英文关键词:Esports culture  cultural incorporation  youth subculture  postmodern
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Ziqi School of Humanities, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092 
Hits: 97
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      With the rapid development of digital technology, esports has become part of the global culture. Evolving from simple video games into international competitive activities, esports culture is not just a entertainment but a combination of sports competition, cultural industry, and technological development. Based on a postmodernist context, this review traces the origins and evolution of esports, which has gradually been incorporated into the mainstream culture under the influence of the mainstream media. The transformation process includes the evolution of events from offline to online, the trend from individual entertainment to professional team activities, and the shift in public perception from entertainment to competitive sport, highlighting the dynamism and diversity of esports culture in adapting to changes in modern society.
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