Metropolitan Sports Development: Extraterritorial Experiences and China's Paths
Received:August 20, 2024  
中文关键词:都市体育  域外经验  中国路径
英文关键词:metropolitan sports  extraterritorial experiences  China's paths
Author NameAffiliation
ZHENG Jiakun School of Economics and Management, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China 
WANG Hangying School of Economics and Management, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China 
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      Accelerating the development of metropolitan sports is not only an intrinsic requirement to meet the people's expectations for a high quality of life, but also a due obligation to continuously improve the competitiveness of the city. Based on the analysis of the practices and experiences in the development of sport in metropolis like New York, London, Tokyo and Paris, the study reveals the following important ways to develop sport in extraterritorial metropolitan areas: Integrating sport into the lives of citizens and realising the vision of social integration through sport, activating the potential of event operation cities and planning all-round initiatives to enhance the impact of metropolitan sports events, revitalizing metropolitan resources to promote cross-sectoral integration of sports and other industries, tapping into the strengths of educational clusters and delivering talents for the development of metropolitan sport. Consequently, in the context of the era of building a modern socialist city in China, in order to better promote the development of metropolitan sports, it is necessary to stick to the goal of developing lifestyle sports to help build a healthy city, to take advantages of the characteristic development of events and exert the potential of developing a city through sports events, to leverage the trend of industrial integration and promote the transformation of the sports economy, and to optimize the diversified talent training model and enhance the momentum of metropolitan sports.
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