Empowering the High Quality Development of National Fitness with New Quality Productivity: Implications, Values and Paths
Received:August 02, 2024  
中文关键词:新质生产力  全民健身  高质量发展  内涵审视  价值意蕴  路径选择
英文关键词:new quality productivity  national fitness  high-quality development  implication review  value implication  path selection
Author NameAffiliation
CHEN Congkan Center of Sport Management and Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu 611130 , China 
LIU Yunqiu Center of Sport Management and Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu 611130 , China 
QIAO Cong Center of Sport Management and Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu 611130 , China 
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      The proposal of new quality productivity provides a scientific guide and a great opportunity to accelerate scientific and technological innovation in sports as well as to promote high-quality development of national fitness in the new journey. By using the methods of literature review, logical analysis and so on, this article examined the key implications of high-quality development of national fitness empowered by new quality productivity, including: The innovation-led as the main feature, the application of science and technology as an important way, the implementation of the new development concept as the fundamental requirements. Empowering high-quality development of national fitness with new quality productive forces has profound values, which is a historical certainty of getting rid of the weaknesses of traditional development in sports, an inevitable reality of adapting to changes of people's growing needs in sports, and a practical certainty of updating digital sports. Facing with the dilemmas such as inadequate technological innovation of national fitness, poor collaborative governance of national fitness and insufficient talent cultivation of national fitness, the author proposes paths as follows: Accelerating scientific and technological innovations of national fitness development, promoting the innovation in fitness-related industries, improving the innovation in the patterns of national fitness development, achieving the institutional innovation of national fitness, and focusing on innovations in cultivation of national fitness talents.
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