Ritual Therapy: The Narrative Logic of Chinese Sports
Received:April 01, 2024  
中文关键词:竞技行为  中国国情  仪式治疗  心理优化  叙事逻辑
英文关键词:competitive behavior  China's national context  ritual therapy  psychological optimization  narrative logic
Author NameAffiliation
LU Yunting School of Journalism and Communication, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China 
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      China is a great Eastern country with a unique civilization system, and its absorption of foreign cultures is in a state of integration with its own unique narrative logic. At present, Chinese sports are dominated by the spirit of Chinese culture, presenting a development paradigm that integrates physical and moral aspects. The social function of Chinese sports also lies in its explicit ritual therapy, including ritual performances in sports events and the overall ritual therapy function of the sports itself. Chinese sports carry the symbol of national will and are a tool for cleaning up the heritage of Chinese history, thus reflecting the basics of moral sports in China. China has experienced a tough history in modern times and the nation once has had traumatic memories, which is why Chinese sport has demonstrated ritual healing function. As an ancient cultural practice, the ultimate goal of the ritual therapy is to restore human nature. As a carrier of moral sublimation, Chinese sport obviously plays a role in alleviating people's multiple mental anxieties. The two Olympic Games held in Beijing once again demonstrated sense of nobility of the Chinese national ceremony, and its function of improving people's spiritual environment remains evident.
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