The Realistic Opportunity, Promotion Dilemma and Cultivation Path of E-sports Development in China: Based on the Practice of the Riot Games and Its Games
Received:May 18, 2024  
中文关键词:电子竞技  拳头游戏  人才培养  电竞产业链  传播方式
英文关键词:e-sports  Riot Games  personnel training  e-sports industry chain  mode of transmission
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Chenjie School of Economics & Management, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan 430079 , China 
LI Shujuan School of Economics & Management, Wuhan Sports University, Wuhan 430079 , China Hubei Sports Industry Research Center, Wuhan 430079 , China 
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      Using literature review, logic analysis, case analysis and other methods, we explore the realistic opportunities of the development of e-sports in China, and point out the difficulties of promoting the development of e-sports in China. Through the analysis of the Riot Games and its games, we put forward the cultivation path for the development of e-sports in China. Studies have shown that currently China's e-sports has developed rapidly driven by policy, international environment, market, technology and other factors. However, in the process of development, problems such as insufficient supply of e-sports talents, imperfect e-sports industry chain, and limited domestic and international communication have been exposed. Through the analysis of the Riot Games and its two games, it is concluded that the policy support safeguards the development of e-sports, multi-channel helps to promote the e-sports talent training, an ideal e-sports industry ecology with a self-blood-supporting mechanism is created, and the social influence of e-sports is expanded in multiple ways. In view of the above experience, the study puts forward the following suggestions to promote the high-quality development of e-sports in China and to help build China into a sports power: Focus on policy research and strengthen industry regulation to optimize the external environment for the development of e-sports; Improve the training system and expand the channel of e-sports talent to provide talent guarantee for the development of e-sports; Improve the innovation capacity and perfect the e-sports industry chain to enhance the endogenous driving force of e-sports development; Give play to the local e-sports culture and develop the social value of e-sports to promote the two-way communication of e-sports both domestically and internationally.
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