Research on "Teaching and Learning from Each Other" of Physical Education Teacher Education Students Under the Peer Teaching Model
Received:April 29, 2024  
中文关键词:体育教育  体育教学能力  篮球教学  专门学科知识
英文关键词:physical education teacher education  physical education teaching ability  basketball teaching  specialized content knowledge
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Dong School of Physical Education, Zhengzhou Normal University, Zhengzhou 450044 , China The Postdoctoral Rearch Station, Soochwo University, Suzhou 215021 , China 
TAO Yuliu Physical Education and Sports School, Soochwo University, Suzhou 215021 , China 
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      There has been a long-term situation of "emphasizing training and ignoring teaching" in the skill course, which is contrary to the principle of the physical education teacher education (PETE) programs. Therefore, how to transform the current skill course so that it can promote the technical and tactical application and improve teaching ability of PETE students at the same time has become a worthy research project. Purpose: The current study aims to address the issue that the concept of "teaching and learning from each other" has not been implemented appropriately at the skill courses of the PETE programs. Methods: The study conducted a pedagogical experiment based on peer teaching model for two classes. 24 PETE students participated in this experiment. The researcher used the observation method to evaluate the development of their specialized content knowledge. Results: The results show that the peer teaching model can significantly improve the common content knowledge and specialized content knowledge of PETE students; but the "teachers′" specialized content knowledge is improved much better than the "learners". Conclusion: The study believes that the peer teaching model can effectively improve the basic teaching ability of PETE students, and can facilitate the cultivation of technical and tactical skills and teaching ability at the same time. The peer teaching model, which is an effective carrier of the "teaching and learning from each other"concept, should be widely used in skill courses of PETE programs in China.
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