A Practical Narrative of Training High-Performance Swimmers: Interview with Olympic Champion Coach Cui Dengrong
Received:November 18, 2024  
中文关键词:运动员的全面发展  教练员培养  复合型团队  游泳
英文关键词:holistic athlete development  training of the coach  composite team  swimming
Author NameAffiliation
LI Yongming School of Athletic Performance, Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai 200438 , China 
GUAN Zhixun College of Physical Education and Health Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004 , China 
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      The training of high-performance swimmers has always been an issue of concern for both academic and coaching communities, but the long-term and complex nature of the training process has led to a less comprehensive and clearer understanding of the issue. Focusing on the core elements and key issues of high-performance swimmers' training system, we interviewed Cui Dengrong, a world-class successful coach who has nurtured Olympic champions and world champions, on six topics, namely, growth experience, coaching philosophy, role and training of coaches, high-performance supporting team, scientific training, and long-term athletes' development, with the aim of providing references for understanding the development of high-performance swimmers.
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