Explanation of the Connotation of a Sports Power
Received:June 25, 2009  
中文关键词:体育  强国  体质  科技  公共服务体系  文化
英文关键词:sports, power  constitution  science & technology  public service system  culture
Author NameAffiliation
XIAO Huan-yu Shanghai Institute of P.E. 
SHAO Xue-mei 天津体育学院 
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      回顾了不同历史时期对“体育强国”的不同理解,着重阐明了体育强国的7个标志:1)国民体质强;2) 竞技体育项目均衡发展,国际大赛金牌处于领先地位,后备人才可持续发展;3)大众体育普及,体育人口达到经济发达国家中上水平;4)体育科技水平高;5)体育公共服务体系完善;6)体育文化繁荣;7)体育产业发达。
      The article reviews the different concepts of sports power in the different times and states the seven indicators of a sports power:1)Strong constitution of the citizens; 2)Balanced development of competitive sports, leading position of the gold medals captured in major world events and sustainable development of the reserved talents; 3)Popular mass sports and sports population reaching the middle and upper level among the economically developed countries; 4)High sports scientific and technological level; 5) Perfect sports public service system; 6) Flourishing sports culture; 7)Developed sports industry
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